Candy: The Delicacies of the Easter Holiday

Way back in the seventies, Easter was celebrated with a basket and some hidden boiled eggs.  Sure they had yellow marshmallow chicks and chocolate rabbits, but it was nothing like the delicacies of today.

Today we have all colors of marshmallow chicks, all flavors of jellybeans, and all kinds of eggs to delight our taste buds.  There are so many delicious candies to choose and try.

Marshmallow candy used to be made mostly of small yellow chicks, now we have pink and yellow chick and blue rabbits.  A nice bit of fluff in every bite, marshmallow candies have been popular for years.

Jellybeans are a colorful decoration to any basket.  The beans have also changed over the years.  They used to be simple flavors like orange, lemon, lime, and cherry.  Now you can have fruit flavored, sour, or a mixed flavor bean.  All of these beans make your mouth water for more.

Heavenly chocolate eggs are the cornerstone of Easter treats.  There are chocolate eggs and rabbits that we remember from the good old days, but balancing that out is the caramel, creme, and peanut butter eggs.

Chocolate rabbits are also a staple in the Easter candy department.  Now you can find hollow rabbits as well as rabbits filled with creme.  Some of these are so huge you could never eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Malted robin's eggs also make a tasty snack.  They are just malted balls covered with a colorful shell.  They are soft and crunchy at the same time, which adds to their charm.

How do you choose between so many scrumptious treats?  Easter is a holiday like no other when it comes to wonderful treats.  With so many to choose from, you won't be able to try them all before Easter is over.  Sadly, you must wait until the next year.

Author: Anne Jefferson

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