This Earth Day Commit to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Author: Carolyn Whitley

Recycling = Can Do
Look around. Everything on the surface of the earth will probably be replaced or discarded someday. These material things or possessions a person has will eventually break, or wear out, or be upgraded or traded in for a better model. What will become of the broken and unwanted ones? What happens after our trash gets thrown out? How will the waste affect the environment? Why should we recycle?

What happens to the trash accumulated?
Most of our garbage will most likely end up in dump sites or landfills. The problem with landfills is that there is so much trash that they are filled to overcapacity and soon there will be no more space to use. Toxic chemicals are also deposited in these dump sites that seep into the soil and affect groundwater reservoirs. Another method of waste management is the use of incinerators. The disadvantage is that the burning process produces pollutants such as smoke and ash that are also very harmful to the environment.

Why should we recycle? How?
Reusing containers, batteries, paper and other things can greatly lessen the amount of garbage created. Recycling materials such as newspapers, plastics and glass can not only reduce our waste output, but create raw materials for constructing other things as well. Paper can be recycled to be used as paper towels, bags and even for arts and crafts. Soda bottles can be sold to recycling depots or used as plant pots. Leftover food and backyard waste (leaves and cut grass) can be put into a compost bin and be used as fertilizer. Rechargeable batteries should be used to lessen electronic waste. Batteries have a special disposal method and must not be haphazardly discarded as they can be dangerous if mishandled.
Why should we recycle is a question everyone needs to ask. Recycling aids in the achievement of a sustainable development. When the act of reusing and recycling materials is done, conservation is practiced. Conservation does not mean to entirely discontinue the use of resources. It simply entails the wise and efficient way of using these resources. Maximizing the use for a product or finding other uses for things meant to be thrown away, are also acts of conservation.
It is much easier to condemn the terrible consequences having depleted the earth's resources but it is more difficult in fact, to dissuade mankind from furthering its wasteful ways. It is also very nearly impossible to have man engage in these acts of conservation as they tend to feel forced even if it is ultimately for his own survival. Why should we recycle? - because we need to survive.

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About the Author
Reducing, reusing and recycling is the responsibility of each one of us. It is our responsibility to leave this planet in the best shape we possibly can, for our children and their children. Our environment is one of the topics I like to share with others, that together we might make a difference.

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