History of Cinco de Mayo

Many people mistake Cinco de Mayo for Mexican Independence Day; however, Mexico declared independence from Spain on Sept. 16, 1810. Cinco de Mayo is instead a celebration of Mexico's victory against France in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, over fifty years after its declaration of independence.
The Battle of Puebla brought great national pride to the Mexican people because their small, poorly armed army of about 4,500 men was able to completely stop a much larger French army from invading Mexico. The victory showed the Mexican people what they could accomplish as a nation and spurred national pride and unity.

Some History on the Battle of Puebla
In the turbulent years after winning its independence from Spain, Mexico had amassed large amounts of debt from several countries, including Spain, England, and France. Due to rising political unrest in the country, Mexican President Benito Juarez issued a moratorium on all foreign debt repayments for a period of two years, after which the payments would begin again.

Spain, England, and France were outraged and banded together, each sending fleets of soldiers and national representatives to retrieve moneys owed to them and seize property rights in lieu of payments.
Spain and England both made agreements with Mexico concerning repayment and withdrew their troops. However, Napoleon III, had other ideas in mind for France, namely conquest. Napoleon wanted to place his relative, the Archduke Maximilian of Austria, into power as ruler of the country. France refused the offers given to them and Napoleon ordered troops into Mexico City.

President Juarez reacted by appointing General Ignacio Zaragoza to hold off the invading army. The general rounded together 4,500 ill-equipped Mestizo and Zapotec Indian farmers set to attack. The French Army had brought only 6,500 troops, assuming an easy takeover, but was met with harsh resistance throughout the march from the coastal town of Veracruz, where the troops landed.

Once the French reached Puebla on May 5, the Mexican army defeated them with a combination of guerilla tactics, inhospitable terrain, and a cattle stampede from nearby villagers. The French were forced to withdraw, and the Mexicans won the battle.

Unfortunately, the romance soon ended and the French eventually won the war, occupying the country for a short time until 1867, when Archduke Maximilian was shot and Benito Juarez reformed the government.

Cinco de Mayo Celebrations
Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday in the country of Mexico, but it is mainly celebrated in Mexico City  and the state capital of Puebla where the battle took place. Military parades, special meals, and even a reenactment (sometimes fought with real gunpowder rifles) can be seen in different cities throughout the country. However, the largest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world is actually held outside of Mexico in the Los Angeles area of California.

In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has become a popular holiday to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage. Along with the celebration in Los Angeles, celebrations in other cities such as Denver, Colorado, and St. Paul, Minnesota draws hundreds of thousands of participants each and every year. It is a time where families can come together, eat delicious Mexican foods, dance to Mexican music, enjoy Mexican art, and so much more.

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